Why Have A Green Roof?
Apart from their attractive appearance, Green Roofs offer numerous ecological and economical benefits, provided that the correct system build-up is employed to ensure long-term success. Green Roofs are worth it, from installations on small garage roofs, right up to installations on large industrial surfaces.
The Ecological Benefits of a Green Roof

Stormwater Management
Reduces immediate water run-off. The sewer pipes can be reduced in capacity.

Improving the Microclimate
Green Roofs humidify the air and provide some cool air. This is particularly effective on rooftops that lie adjacent to residential or office spaces, but also makes a valuable contribution to improving the microclimate in our urban centers. Furthermore, air conditioning systems have a much greater effect due to the reduced heating.

Binding Dust and Toxic Particles
The large foliar surface of Green Roofs and the deceleration of the air flow that they help to create means that landscaped roofs filter between 10 and 20 % of the dust from the air. Nitrates and other substances contained in the air and rainwater are also retained and utilised.

Noise Reduction
Improves sound insulation. This is most effective with buildings near airports or noisy discotheques or machinery.

New Habitat
Encourages wildlife to remain within build-up areas.

Utilising Valuable Recycling Materials
Rubber, polyethylene and expanded polystyrene rigid foam are used in the production of drainage elements. The mono clay material Zincoblend M and humus are the basis for the production of ZinCo rooftop garden system soils. The most important criterion is the quality of the product, which is tested by recognised institutes and research bodies.
The Economical Benefits of a Green Roof

Stormwater Management
Reduces immediate water run-off. The sewer pipes can be reduced in capacity.

Extending Roof Life
Protects the roof membrane from UV exposure, heat, cold and hail and mechanical damage.

Improving Building Operations
Thermal protection in both summer and winter and reduction of heating and cooling costs.

Substitute for Lost Areas of Landscape
Having a Green Roof means that the piece of land in question can be better utilised: the green roof can be taken into account as a substitute for sacrificed landscaped areas. This is often prescribed in the development plan.

Providing Additional Space
Green Roofs offer additional space for numerous uses. Whether you want a relaxing garden, a playground or a golf course, it all can be achieved as part of the existing foot print.